Lavinia Bottini

It is said that she is one of the few Italian citizens who know the mysterious language of public administrations

“Presidentissima” of the Emergenze association, Lavinia has been an absolute pillar of the project since her glorious entrance during the activities of Teatro Sant’Ercolano. She wakes up every morning with the concern that bureaucracy does not crush us under its tentacular boulder and, in the evening, we always find her at the bar toasting the simple but never obvious fact that we are still alive.

  “When the tobacco smoke smells also of the mouth which exhales it, the two odors marry by infra-thin.”   Traces left by absences, building […]

  “If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love” – Emma Goldman –   Live drawing, hot […]

A little video from the launching event of MAGWALL: the paper paradise born from the partnership between Declare and Edicola 518. From now on, in […]

A spot from Spring 2017, when we launched  Emergenze Publishing’s second book: “Fuori dalle Righe”. This video is a brief sight on our activity and […]